Dawn Tripp's Georgia is an historical novel based on the life and art of Georgia O'Keeffe and her passionate relationship with photographer Alfred Stieglitz, bringing a fresh perspective to an artist loved by so many.
The 7:30 pm event is free and open to the public. A 6:30 pm reception, by reservation only, is $30 per person and includes a copy of the book. For more information and reservations, call 214-523-2240 or go to www.hpumc.org. Books will be available for purchase and there will be a book signing following the program.
Dawn Tripp's Georgia is an historical novel based on the life and art of Georgia O'Keeffe and her passionate relationship with photographer Alfred Stieglitz, bringing a fresh perspective to an artist loved by so many.
The 7:30 pm event is free and open to the public. A 6:30 pm reception, by reservation only, is $30 per person and includes a copy of the book. For more information and reservations, call 214-523-2240 or go to www.hpumc.org. Books will be available for purchase and there will be a book signing following the program.
Dawn Tripp's Georgia is an historical novel based on the life and art of Georgia O'Keeffe and her passionate relationship with photographer Alfred Stieglitz, bringing a fresh perspective to an artist loved by so many.
The 7:30 pm event is free and open to the public. A 6:30 pm reception, by reservation only, is $30 per person and includes a copy of the book. For more information and reservations, call 214-523-2240 or go to www.hpumc.org. Books will be available for purchase and there will be a book signing following the program.