Barry Whistler Gallery will present Otis Jones: "Recent Work." The solo exhibition, which features eight new paintings, will mark Jones’ fourth solo exhibition with the gallery.
Jones rough-hewn paintings deal with the physicality and processes of painting and its inherent materials. Working within non-objective abstraction, he relies on the elemental and meditative to explore the nature of painting as object. There is a sense of dualities in his work, not only in color and tone, but in the way he treats the surfaces. With sanded parts and precise lines, he celebrates a division between varying textures.
The exhibition will remain on display through November 23.
Barry Whistler Gallery will present Otis Jones: "Recent Work." The solo exhibition, which features eight new paintings, will mark Jones’ fourth solo exhibition with the gallery.
Jones rough-hewn paintings deal with the physicality and processes of painting and its inherent materials. Working within non-objective abstraction, he relies on the elemental and meditative to explore the nature of painting as object. There is a sense of dualities in his work, not only in color and tone, but in the way he treats the surfaces. With sanded parts and precise lines, he celebrates a division between varying textures.
The exhibition will remain on display through November 23.
Admission is free.