The beloved tradition of Christmas Pops continues with the Dallas Symphony Chorus performing transcendent anthems, classical holiday favorites and sing-along carols. Favorite holiday vocalists join the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and the Dallas Symphony Chorus bring a bit of Christmas magic to the Meyerson. Sprinkle in an appearance by you-know-who, a bit of snow, and the joyous music of the DSO and there is nothing quite like it.
The beloved tradition of Christmas Pops continues with the Dallas Symphony Chorus performing transcendent anthems, classical holiday favorites and sing-along carols. Favorite holiday vocalists join the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and the Dallas Symphony Chorus bring a bit of Christmas magic to the Meyerson. Sprinkle in an appearance by you-know-who, a bit of snow, and the joyous music of the DSO and there is nothing quite like it.
The beloved tradition of Christmas Pops continues with the Dallas Symphony Chorus performing transcendent anthems, classical holiday favorites and sing-along carols. Favorite holiday vocalists join the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and the Dallas Symphony Chorus bring a bit of Christmas magic to the Meyerson. Sprinkle in an appearance by you-know-who, a bit of snow, and the joyous music of the DSO and there is nothing quite like it.