Dumplin’ follows an outspoken plus-sized teenage girl named Willowdean (Danielle Macdonald), who’s known as Will to her friends and Dumplin’ to her mother (Jennifer Aniston), a former beauty queen who now runs the local Miss Teen Blue Bonnet pageant. In her small Texas town, Will confidently ignores comments about her weight and listens to Dolly Parton songs obsessively. But when she decides to enter her mother’s pageant in protest, her bold move encourages other contestants to follow in her footsteps, redefining the town’s traditions in the process.
The movie is based on the New York Times best-selling Young Adult book, Dumplin’, written by Arlington resident, Julie Murphy. Murphy will be on hand to sign copies of her books immediately following the movie.
The first 100 guests will receive an Arlington Highlands gift card.
Dumplin’ follows an outspoken plus-sized teenage girl named Willowdean (Danielle Macdonald), who’s known as Will to her friends and Dumplin’ to her mother (Jennifer Aniston), a former beauty queen who now runs the local Miss Teen Blue Bonnet pageant. In her small Texas town, Will confidently ignores comments about her weight and listens to Dolly Parton songs obsessively. But when she decides to enter her mother’s pageant in protest, her bold move encourages other contestants to follow in her footsteps, redefining the town’s traditions in the process.
The movie is based on the New York Times best-selling Young Adult book, Dumplin’, written by Arlington resident, Julie Murphy. Murphy will be on hand to sign copies of her books immediately following the movie.
The first 100 guests will receive an Arlington Highlands gift card.
Dumplin’ follows an outspoken plus-sized teenage girl named Willowdean (Danielle Macdonald), who’s known as Will to her friends and Dumplin’ to her mother (Jennifer Aniston), a former beauty queen who now runs the local Miss Teen Blue Bonnet pageant. In her small Texas town, Will confidently ignores comments about her weight and listens to Dolly Parton songs obsessively. But when she decides to enter her mother’s pageant in protest, her bold move encourages other contestants to follow in her footsteps, redefining the town’s traditions in the process.
The movie is based on the New York Times best-selling Young Adult book, Dumplin’, written by Arlington resident, Julie Murphy. Murphy will be on hand to sign copies of her books immediately following the movie.
The first 100 guests will receive an Arlington Highlands gift card.