For the third installment of its Stories series about women composers, Lumedia Musicworks presents the story of famed Parisian composer, Élisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre. The short, lighthearted documentary film musicians performing Jacquet de la Guerre’s work, including violinist Stephanie Noori, Christopher Phillpott, and Molly Hammond.
The performance will be available until 11:59 pm on May 10.
For the third installment of its Stories series about women composers, Lumedia Musicworks presents the story of famed Parisian composer, Élisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre. The short, lighthearted documentary film musicians performing Jacquet de la Guerre’s work, including violinist Stephanie Noori, Christopher Phillpott, and Molly Hammond.
The performance will be available until 11:59 pm on May 10.
For the third installment of its Stories series about women composers, Lumedia Musicworks presents the story of famed Parisian composer, Élisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre. The short, lighthearted documentary film musicians performing Jacquet de la Guerre’s work, including violinist Stephanie Noori, Christopher Phillpott, and Molly Hammond.
The performance will be available until 11:59 pm on May 10.