Monster Truck Wars is America’s wildest monster truck show, a high-energy monster truck show featuring a real-life robot battle, kid’s power wheel races, and more. Kids can also take a ride in a real monster truck.
Monster Truck Wars features giant, 10,000-pound monster trucks, including the T-Rex, Shark Attack, Sheriff, and the legendary Outlaw.
Monster Truck Wars is America’s wildest monster truck show, a high-energy monster truck show featuring a real-life robot battle, kid’s power wheel races, and more. Kids can also take a ride in a real monster truck.
Monster Truck Wars features giant, 10,000-pound monster trucks, including the T-Rex, Shark Attack, Sheriff, and the legendary Outlaw.
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.