Saved as a runt by a young girl named Fern, Wilbur, an irresistible young pig, faces trial after trial, but always makes it through thanks to the kindness of others. When Wilbur again faces the butcher block, an extraordinary spider, Charlotte, comes to his aid, using her web as a message board to communicate with the farmers. Charlotte writes, “Some pig,” and Wilbur becomes famous. He's taken to the fair to be shown off. With the help of Templeton, a gluttonous rat, a weakening Charlotte must attempt one final word to help Wilbur win first prize. Will it be enough to save Wilbur? And what will happen to Charlotte?
Saved as a runt by a young girl named Fern, Wilbur, an irresistible young pig, faces trial after trial, but always makes it through thanks to the kindness of others. When Wilbur again faces the butcher block, an extraordinary spider, Charlotte, comes to his aid, using her web as a message board to communicate with the farmers. Charlotte writes, “Some pig,” and Wilbur becomes famous. He's taken to the fair to be shown off. With the help of Templeton, a gluttonous rat, a weakening Charlotte must attempt one final word to help Wilbur win first prize. Will it be enough to save Wilbur? And what will happen to Charlotte?
Saved as a runt by a young girl named Fern, Wilbur, an irresistible young pig, faces trial after trial, but always makes it through thanks to the kindness of others. When Wilbur again faces the butcher block, an extraordinary spider, Charlotte, comes to his aid, using her web as a message board to communicate with the farmers. Charlotte writes, “Some pig,” and Wilbur becomes famous. He's taken to the fair to be shown off. With the help of Templeton, a gluttonous rat, a weakening Charlotte must attempt one final word to help Wilbur win first prize. Will it be enough to save Wilbur? And what will happen to Charlotte?