Tim Murray's show, Witches, is a mix of stand up and original comedy songs about his favorite pop culture witches. Murray is like a gay Bo Burnham, but painted green and doing drag.
In Witches, Murray uses hilarious personal stories about growing up a closeted, yet feminine boy, who tried hard to pass as straight to avoid being burned at the stake. From The Craft to Wicked to the Sanderson Sisters to Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Angelica Houston's Grand High Witch, Murray celebrates famous sorceresses throughout her story and uses their stories as a parallel to the queer witch hunt.
Tim Murray's show, Witches, is a mix of stand up and original comedy songs about his favorite pop culture witches. Murray is like a gay Bo Burnham, but painted green and doing drag.
In Witches, Murray uses hilarious personal stories about growing up a closeted, yet feminine boy, who tried hard to pass as straight to avoid being burned at the stake. From The Craft to Wicked to the Sanderson Sisters to Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Angelica Houston's Grand High Witch, Murray celebrates famous sorceresses throughout her story and uses their stories as a parallel to the queer witch hunt.