Bike Sharing Update
Mobike bike-sharing company takes big steps to appease Dallas

Bike-sharing company Mobike is taking some big steps with its Dallas program, including capping the number of bikes on the street.
Mobike, the China-based company whose bikes are orange and silver, joins LimeBike in addressing the complaints of one of two people online who have it in for these otherwise wonderful bike-sharing programs.
"Dallas, we hear you, and we are dedicated to being a part of the solution," says Jason Wong, general manager of Mobike's United States division, in a release. "As we work to roll out a system that has significantly improved the quality of life for millions of people around the world, the onus is on us to prove that we are a respectful community partner. That’s why we are taking action to cap our fleet, launch a rider education campaign, and work hard to help keep all bikes parked in an orderly, respectful way."
Their program will emphasize growing strategically and only to fill a clear demand. The company is focusing on making each bike more efficient, rather than adding more bikes.
They're capping their Dallas fleet to 3,000 bikes or less, balanced with demand, until the city is able to review the program and create guidelines.
For the education component, they say they'll take responsibility for educating riders on how to park the bikes. That means displaying Dallas parking rules on every bike, and notifying riders on social media and in the Mobike app.
They're inviting the public to report bikes that aren't parked responsibly, and they'll come and fix the situation. Poor parking jobs can earn users a penalty against their Mobike score.
They're also showing some community spirit by instructing their staff to help restack any fallen bike, whether it's a Mobike bike or a competitor's, in an effort to lift up the bike-sharing community as a whole and keep sidewalks beautiful.
Mobike has reached out to The Dallas Lighthouse for the Blind to consult on educational materials for riders.
To report a poorly parked bike, go to the app and select the bike from the screen, or just select the customer service button. Hit "Wrong Parking," scan the bike's QR code, take a photo of the bad park job, and leave us a note. If the bad parking isn't attributable to the last rider, then riders can appeal.
Fellow bike-share company LimeBike has promised to increase its staff, not add any new bikes, and re-distribute bikes to areas that don't have them.
Mobike launched service in Shanghai in April 2016, and launched Dallas service in January 2018. In two years, the company has expanded to over 200 cities in 12 countries.