Media News
Dallas Morning News hires new editor who is both female and Black

The Dallas Morning News has a new executive editor: Katrice Hardy, replacing Mike Wilson, who resigned in 2020.
Hardy was most recently at the Indianapolis Star, owned by parent company Gannett, where she'd been editor for about a year; she also served as Gannett's regional editor for the Midwest, overseeing newsrooms throughout Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky.
Unlike Mike Wilson, who is a male and white, Hardy is African American and a woman, which the Dallas Morning News notes is a trend in the story they posted re: her hiring.
"In the past few months, a number of major U.S. newspapers have appointed Black executive editors to lead their newsrooms," their story says.
So they're not alone on this, or going out on a limb. Other papers are doing it, too. In fact, the Houston Chroniclealso just promoted a Black female, Maria Douglas Reeve, who was previously managing editor, to the top editorial slot.
According to D magazine, Hardy was introduced to the staff on July 21, and talked about improving the diversity of the newspaper and retaining current employees. She's due to begin on August 12.
You suppose she applied through the Linked In ad that the DMN listed back in March?
Interestingly, the news of her hire was first covered by the IndyStar. The DMN got scooped on its own editor by another paper. (The DMN also used the unfortunate "taps" as a verb in its headline: "Dallas Morning News taps 26-year veteran as its next newsroom leader," ugh.)
Prior to her stint at the IndyStar, Hardy was editor of Gannett's Greenville News in South Carolina and regional editor for the South, overseeing newsrooms in Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, and Louisiana. She also worked for many years at the Virginian-Pilot in Norfolk, ultimately as managing editor, a position she held from 2014-2016.