Swipe Right
Tinder rates Texas coeds among hottest in the nation

Tinder and other apps have altered dating forever, especially on college campuses. But which schools are more likely to swipe right than left? And more important, where do students from Texas colleges rank?
Highly, we're proud to say. In time for the start of fall semester, Tinder has released its annual list of the most right-swiped U.S. campuses, based on data collected during the spring of 2015 from students aged 18-23.
Texas Christian University seems to have it going on. The Fort Worth university scores highly in both male and female categories, nabbing the No. 4 spot in the Top 50 Guys list, and the No. 13 rank for Top 50 Girls.
Southern Methodist University makes a good showing as well, coming in at No. 25 on the Top 50 Girls list, and No. 40 on the Top 50 Guys list.
Other Texas colleges to make the guys' list are Rice University (No. 13) and Baylor University (No. 37). For the girls' list, it's Texas Tech (No. 22) and Texas A&M (No. 37).
One interesting note: The majority of campuses with the most popular males are private schools; the fifth most right-swiped is a military academy. The top four most right-swiped males attend a religiously affiliated university.
And something to keep in mind for anyone looking to make or improve their Tinder presence: The profiles with the most right swipes all contain bios.