Politics News
Dallas solicits input from residents on best traits for new city manager

New city manager would work at Dallas City Hall.
The City of Dallas is recruiting for its next City Manager and seeks input from the public.
The position is open following the resignation of prior city manager T.C. Broadnax in February. He'd held the position since 2017.
The Dallas City Council subsequently named a temporary replacement, Deputy City Manager Kimberly Bizor Tolbert, to step in to the role on an interim basis until a permanent hire is made.
The position is appointed by, and reports to, the Dallas City Council. Council members are seeking community input and resident feedback on qualifications, characteristics, and opportunities.
Broadnax was earning $423,000 a year. In April, he accepted a position as the city manager of Austin. In his letter of resignation, Broadnax stated that his last day in Dallas would be June 3, but his start date for Austin was slated for May 6.
Dallas residents are asked to participate through two options: (1) a survey through ETC Institute and (2) a general questionnaire through Zencity.
The ETC Institute survey and its administration are standardized, and the results are statistically significant with a limit of 100 responses for each City Council district. Randomly selected residents will be invited to participate in the survey by mail, phone, or online survey in English and Spanish. So there's no link.
The Zencity questionnaire allows for expanded reach to all Dallas residents and the link will be available in digital formats. The link to participate in the survey is here.
They're asking residents to share the leadership qualities they value. Responses are confidential.