YPs on D.E.C.
Dallas Design District patio pops with pretty YPs poised for fall fundraising
What: Wilkinson Center Young Friends Silent Disco kickoff
Where: D.E.C.
The 411: The Young Friends of the Wilkinson Center rounded up the troops to kick off their signature Silent Disco event. Guests got pumped up for fall fundraising season and even had the chance to buy their tickets to the event, which is set for September 11 at Candleroom.
Have no clue what a silent disco is? Each guest receives headphones with three different frequencies; depending on the frequency you choose, the headphones light up in the color that corresponds to a DJ spinning at that moment. It's called a silent disco because there is no music playing in the background when people take off their headphones. All proceeds benefit the Wilkinson Center, and tickets can be purchased here.
Who: Justin Kallhoff, Chris Schleiss, Jamie Bloom, Meredith Diers, Brittani Carter-Durant, Megan Blessing, Chela Moros, Laura Ailshire, Landon Burke, Emily Mulligan, Lauren Mason, Kristen Johnson, Michael Graska, Laura Reeder and Levi Schlegel