Hollywood Miracle Therapy
Everything you need to know about Hollywood’s hottest anti-aging secret

It’s hard to believe the beautiful actress railing against plastic surgery when she looks exactly like she did in that decade-old rom-com. However, the experts at Bella MD, Dallas’ premier medical spa, say these age-defying celebs aren’t lying about going under the knife: They just know about Ultherapy, the only FDA-approved non-invasive treatment for lifting the skin on the neck, chin, and brow.
Here, Bella MD master aesthetician Sarah Humphrey spills all the secrets and gives five reasons why you should check out Hollywood’s favorite miracle treatment.
1. A natural process equals a natural lift.
Ultherapy uses ultrasound waves that cross deep into the tissue to denature the collagen, and therefore, stimulate new collagen growth. Essentially, the natural process pumps up the volume where you need it most.
“But it’s important to note that Ultherapy won’t give instant gratification,” Humphrey says. “It can take up to six months before you see results. So it’s gradual, but a lot of people like that it’s a natural approach.”
In other words, you’re not going to leave Bella MD looking like a whole new, unrecognizable person. Instead, you’ll look better and better over several months.
2. It improves the skin in ways surgery can’t.
“Ultherapy not only delivers a beautiful lift and boost,” Humphrey says, “but it really makes the skin look better than what you could get with a surgical facelift.” A facelift only cuts and lifts, she explains, and doesn’t actually treat the skin like Ultherapy does.
3. Everyone can afford it.
“I know of women who have spent up to $30,000 for a surgical lift,” Humphrey says. “So Ultherapy is significantly cheaper than a facelift, usually a quarter of what a surgeon will quote you.”
Humphrey says that Ultherapy is priced per pulse, which means the cost is adjusted for those who are only aiming to improve vertical lines above the lip versus someone treating their full face and neck.
4. You can enhance at any age.
Let’s say the day you turn 30, you notice a slight sag in your brow. Are you going to promptly correct it with a major medical procedure? Not likely.
“A lot of younger patients are doing this for preventative reasons,” Humphrey says. “I see patients in their 20s all the way through 60s coming in for Ultherapy at Bella MD. Everyone can benefit from some collagen stimulation.”
5. Easy in, easy out, and not a vacation day wasted.
Two magical words: no downtime. “You can have minor swelling or minor bruising, but that’s just about it,” Humphrey says. In fact, most of Humphrey’s patients can go right back to work.
What’s more, Bella MD is conveniently located in University Park near the corner of Sherry Lane and Preston Road, and parking is a breeze to boot.
To find out more about Bella MD’s Ultherapy treatment, the simplest way to take years off your appearance, visit www.bellamd.com or call 214-378-6500.