Job Hunting
This Dallas suburb is America's best city to find a job in 2016

The new year has us thinking of new horizons, and if you're looking for a change in career, you're in the right place. According to the latest report from WalletHub, Plano is the best city in the United States to find a job.
WalletHub used 17 metrics to analyze the strength of local job markets in the nation's 150 most populous cities. The various contributing factors were broken up into two main categories: job market and socioeconomic environment.
Plano claimed the No. 2 spot in the job market category, determined by factors such as a high monthly median starting salary ($3,043) and a low unemployment rate (4.5 percent). Plano also scored exceptionally well for disability friendliness, as 46 percent of residents with disabilities are employed.
Plano ranked No. 8 in the socioeconomic category, but the numbers painted a disparate picture of the city's socioeconomic environment. While Plano ranked No. 1 for housing affordability, residents spend $12,543 a year on transportation costs. In addition, Plano ranked among the five cities with the longest time spent working and commuting.
Austin, No. 3, is the next best Texas city to find a job, followed by Irving at No. 4 and Amarillo at No. 13. Texas' biggest cities ranked lower on the list, with Dallas at No. 24, Houston at No. 25, San Antonio at No. 38, and Fort Worth at No. 45.