Big news for Big D, but not the good kind: It seems we have some pounds to shed. The folks at WalletHub have revealed the fattest cities in America, and Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington ranks No. 15.
To determine the results, the 100 most populous U.S. metro areas were ranked on metrics ranging from medical issues to environmental healthiness.
A big contributing factor to our poor showing is the overall "fat prevalence ranking," which takes into account the percentage of overweight and obese adults, teens, and children. Dallas has a staggering 38.5 percent. Additionally, 29 percent of the adult population is obese. The statistics paint a dismal picture of our youth too. Sadly, 19.1 percent of local children (ages 10-17) are obese, and 17.5 percent are overweight.
That extra weight leads to serious health problems. The most common weight-related diagnosis among Dallas adults is high cholesterol (40.9 percent), followed by high blood pressure (29.6 percent) and diabetes (9.8 percent).
Making matters worse is Dallas' lack of healthy alternatives. Only 7.6 percent of residents have convenient access to healthy food choices in nearby grocery stores, and, as we've already discussed, it's one of the worst places for an active lifestyle.
The good news is that Dallas is not the fattest city in Texas. San Antonio ranks No. 8; Houston isn't too far behind, at No. 22. Memphis, Tennessee, is the fattest of them all, while Honolulu leads on the slim side.