Living the Good Life
Dallas-Fort Worth claims awesome title of booziest metro in nation

It seems that having more restaurants per capita than most anywhere else in the nation means that the people of Dallas-Fort Worth actually, you know, eat out a lot. How much? A lot.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Expenditure Survey, we top the list of cities that "spend a disproportionate amount of their salary on alcohol, smoking, and eating out." DFW residents allocate 6.10 percent of their total spending on eating out, and 1.21 percent on alcohol. The national averages are 5.16 percent and 0.94 percent.
The Washington Postpublished the results and dubbed DFW "the booziest metropolitan area" of the survey. Of our annual average spending of $61,698, about $744 goes toward alcohol and $3,765 toward eating out.
The survey notes that Texas' on-premise excise tax on alcohol, which means establishments have mixed-beverage permits and pay a 6.7 percent tax on gross receipts, could be why our number is so high. "That cost is passed on to the consumer, meaning more expensive drinks at bars, and incentive to buy alcohol at stores.
"Even so, Texas ranks in the bottom half for excise taxes on spirits, wine, and beer."
Cleveland, Philadelphia, San Diego, and Phoenix join us on the booze list, while San Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston, and Cleveland round out the dining out top five.
The third arm of the survey concerns money spent on tobacco products, and no-smoking Dallas-Fort Worth did not make the top five (though Houston came in at third).