No Chicken 4 U

BonChon Chicken in Dallas shuts down temporarily under weight of hype

Newly opened BonChon Chicken has shut down temporarily to address what it perceives as problems in consistency and wait times. The Greenville Avenue spot issued a letter to its fans, announcing the shutdown with an apology.

"We have made the difficult decision to close for business over the next few days," it reads. "We will use this time to give some relief to our overworked staff and to add and train additional staff.

"In our enthusiasm to bring BonChon to Dallas, we failed to prepare for the sheer volume of orders that we have received," the letter continues. "Our staff is trying their best, but they are still new and have literally been overwhelmed. The result has been inconsistent quality in our food and long wait times for our customers."

With all due respect to BonChon, they've had plenty of time to plan for this day; you'd think they might've factored this in before opening?

The restaurant has been jammed with young hipster foodies who crave its crispy fried chicken and unusual sauce. The response has been mostly adulatory, but some comments on Facebook have complained about the quality.

"Hopefully it will improve, nothing like the BonChon I had in NY," said one commenter. "Not as crispy when I went, maybe they were slammed."

Another commenter posted a long diatribe about the service, dismissing the place as "nothing special except a fancy wing bar."

BonChon's letter ends with the owners' plan to post another update when they reopen, probably later in the week.

On Twitter, they told @TheeFatHipster that, beginning next week, they'd also close on Tuesdays until they hire more staff.
