Adrienne Breaux
I’m a writer, blogger, design nerd, crafter, photographer and wit master here inAustin. A graduate of Louisiana State University with a B.A. in InteriorDesign, I worked in the design field for years at a number of different designjobs, ran my own interior design consulting firm for over a year, and now do allsorts of freelance writing for the web and in print on the subjects of interiordesign, architecture, furniture, home design tips, the modern family,eco-friendly ideas, Austin and more. When I’m not writing about creating perfectspaces and fabulous designs, I enjoy making things and more writing. I’mcurrently still trying to find that perfect balance of somehow managing to docopious amounts of it all. I’ll keep you updated on my progress. When I’m notdoing any of the above mentioned, I can usually be found hiking, walking orrunning around the Greenbelt or Town Lake. I also really like smoothies, sushiand Star Trek: The Next Generation.