Cocktails and Conversation

AIRS Foundation lures big-deal philanthropists to Dallas launch party

What: Alliance in Reconstructive Surgery (AIRS) Dallas launch party

Where: Home of Drs. Rod Rohrich and Diane Gibby

The 411: New nonprofit AIRS Foundation, which is dedicated to providing post-mastectomy breast reconstructive surgery for women who cannot afford the procedure, kicked off its Dallas launch with a private evening of cocktails and conversation. AIRS is founded by internationally renowned surgeon Dr. Rod Rohrich, professor and chairman of the department of plastic surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; Dallas-based Eraclea Skin Care president Morgan Hare; and Hylaco Inc. chief scientific officer Janet Denlinger. AIRS is the only organization to offer funding for breast cancer reconstruction, and the foundation offers education to physicians and the medical community, mastectomy patients, caregivers and advocacy organizations.

Who: Myrna and Bob Schlegel, Kendra Kimmel, Jules Tilelman, Dr. Sumeet Teotia, Dr. Nicholas Haddock, Mary Crosland, Sigrid Williams, Scott Murray, Dr. Mojan Safavi, Dr. Sunie Solomon, Mary Crosland, and Kameron and Court Westcott.
