DPD News
Dallas Police Department closes vice unit investigation with suspensions

After a lengthy three years, the investigation of the Dallas Police Department's vice unit is over, with 22 officers receiving punishments ranging from a written reprimand to suspension.
Dallas Chief of Police U. Renee Hall stirred it up pretty good in November 2017 when she disbanded the vice unit, reassigning them to other duties, and replacing them with a new team.
Vice covers prostitution, illegal gambling, human trafficking, sexually-oriented businesses, and Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission code violations.
The newly built vice unit scored a high-profile bust in October 2019 when six people were arrested for running a prostitution ring out of a spa.
According to a DPD memo, the 22 former vice officers were found to have mishandled department money used in gambling operations and failed to deliver evidence in those cases to the property room.
Members admitted to replacing confidential funds with gambling winnings and failed to place evidentiary or seized money and/or property into the property room, per departmental policy.
Due to poor or missing documentation, the investigation was unable to verify how detectives accounted for monetary gambling winnings, confidential funds, or how they disposed of gambling machines. The memo says that they violated the General Orders found in Section 321.00 and DPD’s Standard Operating Procedures.
The disciplines rendered varied according to the officers' violations, but no one was fired or charged with a crime.
In a statement, Chief Hall acknowledged that the actions taken were not popular.
"Ethics and integrity define who we are as a police department," Hall said. "We must always operate with the highest level of integrity to ensure that we maintain trust and strong relationships with the residents we serve. Though not popular, these actions were necessary to create a more efficient department and bring us closer to our goals as a world class department."
Assistant Chief Avery Moore of the Criminal Investigations and Tactical Bureau said, "We are disappointed in the actions of these officers, supervisors and the leadership team as a whole, but will use this experience to provide better oversight and efficiencies in the future."