Truth in Comedy is a storytelling, stand-up comedy, and art show where humanity is the muse. The night will feature three storytellers sharing their truth on the subject "Get Lucky" - Sehla Ashai, Sydney Plant, and Hal Karp, and three other comedians will interpret their truths - Angelia Walker, Byron Stamps, and Paul Varghese. One artist will tie it all together - El Sarah.
Truth in Comedy is a storytelling, stand-up comedy, and art show where humanity is the muse. The night will feature three storytellers sharing their truth on the subject "Get Lucky" - Sehla Ashai, Sydney Plant, and Hal Karp, and three other comedians will interpret their truths - Angelia Walker, Byron Stamps, and Paul Varghese. One artist will tie it all together - El Sarah.
Truth in Comedy is a storytelling, stand-up comedy, and art show where humanity is the muse. The night will feature three storytellers sharing their truth on the subject "Get Lucky" - Sehla Ashai, Sydney Plant, and Hal Karp, and three other comedians will interpret their truths - Angelia Walker, Byron Stamps, and Paul Varghese. One artist will tie it all together - El Sarah.