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Education Opens Doors

Education Opens Doors and its student manual Roadmap to Success evolved from the passion and efforts of several Teach for America alumni and education pioneers. Roadmap to Succeess is the hands-on evidence of the mission of Education Opens Doors: empowering students to strategically navigate through high school to college. It is every middle and high school student's dream come true: a step-by-step guide full of checklists and resources to get them where they want to go after they graduate.

Today, Education Opens Doors is implementing the Roadmap to Success Program in 175 classrooms across the Dallas area. Teachers are utilizing the student handbook to give middle and high school students a chance at success, by giving them a guide to help them be intentional about where they want to go next and strategically navigate their way to college.

Education Opens Doors offers a number of volunteer opportunities, including assisting with fundraising campaigns and helping with special events. For more information on how to get involved, email

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