Paper For Water/Facebook
Paper for Water

Paper For Water's primary mission is to bring water to the thirsty, one piece of paper at a time. The mission was born out of the desire that two little girls had to help other girls world-wide who do not get to go to school because they spend their days hauling water. Isabelle and Katherine, 8 and 5 at the time, also learned that a child dies every 15 seconds from unclean water, and they wanted to make a change.

Paper For Water's primary function is to raise money to fund water wells world-wide. It is committed to teaching children in developed countries about the world water crisis, while helping children in developing countries gain access to clean water and sanitation.

Paper For Water seeks to empower the youth in developed countries with skills in leadership, philanthropy, and entrepreneurship. It also wants to improve their understanding, compassion, and empathy and to broaden their knowledge of the world around them.

Monetary donations are supplemented by joining the Well of the Month club and purchasing an origami ornament online. You can also fund an entire water well project or do company donation matches, shop through Amazon Smile, sponsor a Christmas tree project, organize a water walk, become a volunteer, or donate origami paper through Amazon Affiliates.

The annual anniversary event is held every fall.

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