Virtuosity follows the inspirational odysseys of 30 protagonists as they travel from Moscow, London, New Haven, Brussels, Kiev, Lecce Pescara, New York and Tokyo to the piano capital of the world, Fort Worth, Texas, in May 2013, to compete in one of the top music contests on the planet, the Fourteenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.
We join these featured pianists—phenomenal budding maestros who are also brilliant, funny, deep, and dazzling as people—for their tremendous, emotional journeys of enlightenment, heartbreak, and triumph. Some win, some lose. But it’s the experience that allows us an in-depth view of who they are, where they come from, how they see the world—how these young people use universal, classical music to discover themselves and their worlds, and to communicate that message, entirely exposed on a concert stage, to their attentive audiences.