The 2014 Oak Cliff Film Festival will present a series of comedy short films, including:
Horrible Life of Dr. Ghoul: Local horror host Dr. Ghoul is having a bad day.
Master Muscles: Veronika and Efren take a trip.
The Best Halloween Ever: Cuddles and Pigface are celebrating Halloween by carrying out their grisly 'ritual', when problems from the home life of Cuddles begin to interfere. Cuddles must rely on the friendship and support of those around him, so that his favorite holiday isn't ruined.
The Greggs: The origin of the SATs in which Gregg, Gregg, Gregg and Gregg lose The Gregg.
Pucker Up: A man makes several consecutive inapproiate propositions.
Schlock Fish: Olav Zanger is a solitary fisherman that seeks revenge on the 'Dimpled Chin Schlock Fish', a psychopath creature that leaps out of water and rips his eyeball off.
Rat Pack Rat: A Sammy Davis, Jr. impersonator, hired to visit with a loyal Rat Pack fan, finds himself delivering last rites at the boy's bedside.