Albert is a smart and cheeky small-town boy who is dreaded for his pranks and misfortunes all around town. When he accidentally destroys the statue of the local hero, famous hot air balloon captain Leopoldus, he is determined to make up for his mistake. He himself will venture into the world with his best friend Egon, and come back as a hot air balloon captain. Along the way, a bandit takes advantage of the clueless boys to help him steal the world’s biggest diamond.
Albert is a smart and cheeky small-town boy who is dreaded for his pranks and misfortunes all around town. When he accidentally destroys the statue of the local hero, famous hot air balloon captain Leopoldus, he is determined to make up for his mistake. He himself will venture into the world with his best friend Egon, and come back as a hot air balloon captain. Along the way, a bandit takes advantage of the clueless boys to help him steal the world’s biggest diamond.
Albert is a smart and cheeky small-town boy who is dreaded for his pranks and misfortunes all around town. When he accidentally destroys the statue of the local hero, famous hot air balloon captain Leopoldus, he is determined to make up for his mistake. He himself will venture into the world with his best friend Egon, and come back as a hot air balloon captain. Along the way, a bandit takes advantage of the clueless boys to help him steal the world’s biggest diamond.