The short film Treeples follows the story of Lana as she joins forces with a lively group of forest creatures to rid the woods of monsters. Young Lana faces ridicule at school from her fellow (male) students. When she tries to run away from the problem, she stumbles into a portal to the woods where she meets the Treeples. The female Treeples are trying to deal with their own problems, namely the monster Blaring Boomagus.
By conquering the monster, Lana learns that every girl can face any problem she encounters. Treeples features humans and live puppets in a forest world. Filmmaker, puppeteer and SMU-grad Sarah Nolen will perform a puppet demonstration with the audience following the film.
The short film Treeples follows the story of Lana as she joins forces with a lively group of forest creatures to rid the woods of monsters. Young Lana faces ridicule at school from her fellow (male) students. When she tries to run away from the problem, she stumbles into a portal to the woods where she meets the Treeples. The female Treeples are trying to deal with their own problems, namely the monster Blaring Boomagus.
By conquering the monster, Lana learns that every girl can face any problem she encounters. Treeples features humans and live puppets in a forest world. Filmmaker, puppeteer and SMU-grad Sarah Nolen will perform a puppet demonstration with the audience following the film.
The short film Treeples follows the story of Lana as she joins forces with a lively group of forest creatures to rid the woods of monsters. Young Lana faces ridicule at school from her fellow (male) students. When she tries to run away from the problem, she stumbles into a portal to the woods where she meets the Treeples. The female Treeples are trying to deal with their own problems, namely the monster Blaring Boomagus.
By conquering the monster, Lana learns that every girl can face any problem she encounters. Treeples features humans and live puppets in a forest world. Filmmaker, puppeteer and SMU-grad Sarah Nolen will perform a puppet demonstration with the audience following the film.