The African American Museum of Dallas will present a screening of the Amazon Studios documentary Silver Dollar Road. The film follows the story of the Reels family, who discover that the land their family has lived on for generations has been dispossessed. Refusing to vacate their "heir’s" property land, brothers Melvin Davis and Licurtis Reels spend eight years in prison – the longest sentence for civil contempt in North Carolina history.
Based on the 2019 ProPublica article, this documentary highlights the covert ways the legal system has been manipulated to keep Black land ownership fragile and the racial wealth gap growing.
The African American Museum of Dallas will present a screening of the Amazon Studios documentary Silver Dollar Road. The film follows the story of the Reels family, who discover that the land their family has lived on for generations has been dispossessed. Refusing to vacate their "heir’s" property land, brothers Melvin Davis and Licurtis Reels spend eight years in prison – the longest sentence for civil contempt in North Carolina history.
Based on the 2019 ProPublica article, this documentary highlights the covert ways the legal system has been manipulated to keep Black land ownership fragile and the racial wealth gap growing.
Admission is free.