Frank Capra's holiday classic features Donna Reed and Jimmy Stewart in a touching tale of hope and compassion. Stewart stars as George Bailey, a depressed businessman who is saved at the last minute by a guardian angel who shows him what life would be like if he weren't around. One of Capra's most beloved and enduring films, It's a Wonderful Life earned five Academy Award nominations including Best Picture.
Frank Capra's holiday classic features Donna Reed and Jimmy Stewart in a touching tale of hope and compassion. Stewart stars as George Bailey, a depressed businessman who is saved at the last minute by a guardian angel who shows him what life would be like if he weren't around. One of Capra's most beloved and enduring films, It's a Wonderful Life earned five Academy Award nominations including Best Picture.
Frank Capra's holiday classic features Donna Reed and Jimmy Stewart in a touching tale of hope and compassion. Stewart stars as George Bailey, a depressed businessman who is saved at the last minute by a guardian angel who shows him what life would be like if he weren't around. One of Capra's most beloved and enduring films, It's a Wonderful Life earned five Academy Award nominations including Best Picture.