From Oscar winner Hayao Miyazaki comes the beloved story of Kiki, a resourceful young witch that sets out on a year-long apprenticeship with her chatty black cat in tow. Landing in a seaside village, she uses her broom and her flying ability to create a delivery service, only to lose her gift of flight and the ability to talk to her cat in a moment of self-doubt.
This imaginative film is a beautiful, timeless story of a young girl finding her way in the world. Japanese with English subtitles.
From Oscar winner Hayao Miyazaki comes the beloved story of Kiki, a resourceful young witch that sets out on a year-long apprenticeship with her chatty black cat in tow. Landing in a seaside village, she uses her broom and her flying ability to create a delivery service, only to lose her gift of flight and the ability to talk to her cat in a moment of self-doubt.
This imaginative film is a beautiful, timeless story of a young girl finding her way in the world. Japanese with English subtitles.
From Oscar winner Hayao Miyazaki comes the beloved story of Kiki, a resourceful young witch that sets out on a year-long apprenticeship with her chatty black cat in tow. Landing in a seaside village, she uses her broom and her flying ability to create a delivery service, only to lose her gift of flight and the ability to talk to her cat in a moment of self-doubt.
This imaginative film is a beautiful, timeless story of a young girl finding her way in the world. Japanese with English subtitles.