Oscar nominated, The Wind Rises is the final film directed by Studio Ghibli creator Hayao Miyazaki. Jiro, nearsighted from a young age and thus unable to fulfill his dream of become a pilot, joins the aircraft division of a Japanese engineering company in 1927 to design airplanes inspired by the famous Italian aeronautical designer Caproni. His genius is soon recognized becoming one of the world’s most innovated and accomplished airplane designers leading the aviation world into the future.
The Wind Rises is an epic tale of love, perseverance, and the challenges of living and making choices in a turbulent world. English dubbed / Japanese with English subtitles.
Oscar nominated, The Wind Rises is the final film directed by Studio Ghibli creator Hayao Miyazaki. Jiro, nearsighted from a young age and thus unable to fulfill his dream of become a pilot, joins the aircraft division of a Japanese engineering company in 1927 to design airplanes inspired by the famous Italian aeronautical designer Caproni. His genius is soon recognized becoming one of the world’s most innovated and accomplished airplane designers leading the aviation world into the future.
The Wind Rises is an epic tale of love, perseverance, and the challenges of living and making choices in a turbulent world. English dubbed / Japanese with English subtitles.
Oscar nominated, The Wind Rises is the final film directed by Studio Ghibli creator Hayao Miyazaki. Jiro, nearsighted from a young age and thus unable to fulfill his dream of become a pilot, joins the aircraft division of a Japanese engineering company in 1927 to design airplanes inspired by the famous Italian aeronautical designer Caproni. His genius is soon recognized becoming one of the world’s most innovated and accomplished airplane designers leading the aviation world into the future.
The Wind Rises is an epic tale of love, perseverance, and the challenges of living and making choices in a turbulent world. English dubbed / Japanese with English subtitles.