Emily St. John Mandel’s bestselling novel Station Eleven centers on a nomadic group of actors roaming a post-apocalyptic North America in the aftermath of a flu pandemic. The Traveling Symphony go from town to town and risk everything for the sake of preserving art and humanity, striving to live honorably in a damaged world.
A 2014 National Book Award Finalist, Station Eleven is equal parts mystery novel and post-apocalyptic tale. The characters’ passionate pursuit of preserving “the best about the world” infuses the story with hope.
Emily St. John Mandel’s bestselling novel Station Eleven centers on a nomadic group of actors roaming a post-apocalyptic North America in the aftermath of a flu pandemic. The Traveling Symphony go from town to town and risk everything for the sake of preserving art and humanity, striving to live honorably in a damaged world.
A 2014 National Book Award Finalist, Station Eleven is equal parts mystery novel and post-apocalyptic tale. The characters’ passionate pursuit of preserving “the best about the world” infuses the story with hope.
Emily St. John Mandel’s bestselling novel Station Eleven centers on a nomadic group of actors roaming a post-apocalyptic North America in the aftermath of a flu pandemic. The Traveling Symphony go from town to town and risk everything for the sake of preserving art and humanity, striving to live honorably in a damaged world.
A 2014 National Book Award Finalist, Station Eleven is equal parts mystery novel and post-apocalyptic tale. The characters’ passionate pursuit of preserving “the best about the world” infuses the story with hope.