Assemble alongside Earth's Mightiest Heroes in Avengers: Damage Control, an all-new virtual reality adventure from Marvel Studios and ILMxLAB. Shuri has recruited a team of four to test her latest prototype design, a powerful new suit that combines Wakandan and Stark Industries technologies. When a familiar enemy from the Avengers' past seeks to steal the technology for themselves, the team must stop them before they unleash an oppressive new age upon the planet. Participants can fight alongside some of the favorite Avengers like Doctor Strange, Wasp, Ant-Man, and more in a race to protect the world.
Assemble alongside Earth's Mightiest Heroes in Avengers: Damage Control, an all-new virtual reality adventure from Marvel Studios and ILMxLAB. Shuri has recruited a team of four to test her latest prototype design, a powerful new suit that combines Wakandan and Stark Industries technologies. When a familiar enemy from the Avengers' past seeks to steal the technology for themselves, the team must stop them before they unleash an oppressive new age upon the planet. Participants can fight alongside some of the favorite Avengers like Doctor Strange, Wasp, Ant-Man, and more in a race to protect the world.
Assemble alongside Earth's Mightiest Heroes in Avengers: Damage Control, an all-new virtual reality adventure from Marvel Studios and ILMxLAB. Shuri has recruited a team of four to test her latest prototype design, a powerful new suit that combines Wakandan and Stark Industries technologies. When a familiar enemy from the Avengers' past seeks to steal the technology for themselves, the team must stop them before they unleash an oppressive new age upon the planet. Participants can fight alongside some of the favorite Avengers like Doctor Strange, Wasp, Ant-Man, and more in a race to protect the world.