Bruce Wood Dance presents the first installment of WOOD/SHOP, featuring premieres by company dancers Gabriel Speiller and Megan Storey with filmmakers The Digibees, and a unique film project made by Cole Vernon.
Speiller’s work, Roses in December, is inspired by a quote from James M. Barrie: “God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.” This emotive trio of dancers winds through the twisting terrain of loss, grief, and hope.
The Silence That Wakes Us, by Megan Storey, is a riveting rush of movement with a compelling play of sound and silence inspired by reflections of her personal experiences with loss, and the old adage, “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.”
Bruce Wood Dance presents the first installment of WOOD/SHOP, featuring premieres by company dancers Gabriel Speiller and Megan Storey with filmmakers The Digibees, and a unique film project made by Cole Vernon.
Speiller’s work, Roses in December, is inspired by a quote from James M. Barrie: “God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.” This emotive trio of dancers winds through the twisting terrain of loss, grief, and hope.
The Silence That Wakes Us, by Megan Storey, is a riveting rush of movement with a compelling play of sound and silence inspired by reflections of her personal experiences with loss, and the old adage, “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.”
Bruce Wood Dance presents the first installment of WOOD/SHOP, featuring premieres by company dancers Gabriel Speiller and Megan Storey with filmmakers The Digibees, and a unique film project made by Cole Vernon.
Speiller’s work, Roses in December, is inspired by a quote from James M. Barrie: “God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.” This emotive trio of dancers winds through the twisting terrain of loss, grief, and hope.
The Silence That Wakes Us, by Megan Storey, is a riveting rush of movement with a compelling play of sound and silence inspired by reflections of her personal experiences with loss, and the old adage, “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.”