Camp Death Productions presents Camp Death Live, a charity benefit to raise support for the National Coalition For Cancer Survivorship, hosted by Michael B. Moore and musical guest, Sherry Etzel.
Camp Death Productions is dedicated to produce 1-2 genre-based works by local Dallas artists. They believe in producing works that have not had the chance to come to fruition yet. By giving scripts short, modestly-produced runs, they hope to prepare scripts for full production runs elsewhere.
Performances on April 2 and 3 will be at Margo Jones Theatre, while the performances on April 6 and 7 will be at the Pocket Sandwich Theatre.
Camp Death Productions presents Camp Death Live, a charity benefit to raise support for the National Coalition For Cancer Survivorship, hosted by Michael B. Moore and musical guest, Sherry Etzel.
Camp Death Productions is dedicated to produce 1-2 genre-based works by local Dallas artists. They believe in producing works that have not had the chance to come to fruition yet. By giving scripts short, modestly-produced runs, they hope to prepare scripts for full production runs elsewhere.
Performances on April 2 and 3 will be at Margo Jones Theatre, while the performances on April 6 and 7 will be at the Pocket Sandwich Theatre.
Camp Death Productions presents Camp Death Live, a charity benefit to raise support for the National Coalition For Cancer Survivorship, hosted by Michael B. Moore and musical guest, Sherry Etzel.
Camp Death Productions is dedicated to produce 1-2 genre-based works by local Dallas artists. They believe in producing works that have not had the chance to come to fruition yet. By giving scripts short, modestly-produced runs, they hope to prepare scripts for full production runs elsewhere.
Performances on April 2 and 3 will be at Margo Jones Theatre, while the performances on April 6 and 7 will be at the Pocket Sandwich Theatre.