When an old pink lucha libre mask is discovered, an inspiring journey of cultural identity and family traditions unfolds. Luchadora! starts in a quaint Texas town in the 1960s where a young Lupita is about to unmask a big family secret. When Lupita decides to pursue her dreams of becoming a luchadora, she soon finds it difficult keeping her secret from her father. The play is a moving story of a young girl who defies traditional roles of women and breaks personal barriers through her determination.
When an old pink lucha libre mask is discovered, an inspiring journey of cultural identity and family traditions unfolds. Luchadora! starts in a quaint Texas town in the 1960s where a young Lupita is about to unmask a big family secret. When Lupita decides to pursue her dreams of becoming a luchadora, she soon finds it difficult keeping her secret from her father. The play is a moving story of a young girl who defies traditional roles of women and breaks personal barriers through her determination.
When an old pink lucha libre mask is discovered, an inspiring journey of cultural identity and family traditions unfolds. Luchadora! starts in a quaint Texas town in the 1960s where a young Lupita is about to unmask a big family secret. When Lupita decides to pursue her dreams of becoming a luchadora, she soon finds it difficult keeping her secret from her father. The play is a moving story of a young girl who defies traditional roles of women and breaks personal barriers through her determination.