In his upcoming solo show, "Christopher Elam: Sequential Works 2019 2020," the Fort Worth-born artist channels that same sense of rebellion against artistic conventions. Using acrylic on canvas and electric light as creative material, Elam layers multiple strata of color, alternatively deconstructing his images and then building them back up. By using this interplay between optical and printed color, Elam constructs images that are infinitely and constantly mutable or just beyond complete visual clarity.
Light hors d'oeuvres, beer, and wine will be served. Ten percent the proceeds from the evening will benefit the American Cancer Society.
In his upcoming solo show, "Christopher Elam: Sequential Works 2019 2020," the Fort Worth-born artist channels that same sense of rebellion against artistic conventions. Using acrylic on canvas and electric light as creative material, Elam layers multiple strata of color, alternatively deconstructing his images and then building them back up. By using this interplay between optical and printed color, Elam constructs images that are infinitely and constantly mutable or just beyond complete visual clarity.
Light hors d'oeuvres, beer, and wine will be served. Ten percent the proceeds from the evening will benefit the American Cancer Society.
In his upcoming solo show, "Christopher Elam: Sequential Works 2019 2020," the Fort Worth-born artist channels that same sense of rebellion against artistic conventions. Using acrylic on canvas and electric light as creative material, Elam layers multiple strata of color, alternatively deconstructing his images and then building them back up. By using this interplay between optical and printed color, Elam constructs images that are infinitely and constantly mutable or just beyond complete visual clarity.
Light hors d'oeuvres, beer, and wine will be served. Ten percent the proceeds from the evening will benefit the American Cancer Society.