COLOR.COLOUR.COLORES. will present its first blowout fashion weekend of events, featuring a fashion show of emerging designers of color, a conversation with the designers and pop up shop at the South Side on Lamar Janette Kennedy Gallery.
The fashion show will feature emerging Dallas designers Elvira Diaz, Bladi Duran, Ruqaiyah Johnson for Ruby Charles and Chesley Williams. Proceeds from the show benefit the Color.Colour.Colores. fashion incubator. The exhibition, running through October 30, will take place in Janette Kennedy Gallery at South Side on Lamar.
The weekend will contain the following events:
Thursday, October 24: Gallery Talk with honorary chairperson and fashion designer Jeffrey Williams. Open to the public.
Friday, October 25: Press Review and Reception for Pop Up Shop, CCC Designers: Elvira Diaz, Bladi Duran, Ruqaiyah Johnson and Chesley Williams. Open to the public.
Saturday, October 26: Invitation only - Mix & Mingle in Artists’ Quarter, Fashion Show in Janette Kennedy Gallery and After Party in Artists' Quarter.