Commemorating The Titanic is a series of activities, dining events and cocktails marking the 101st anniversary of the fabled luxury liner's maiden and final voyage. Guests will enjoy historic menus, White Star Line cocktails, and an elaborate display of Titanic memorabilia. Events will take place April 10-14. Reservations are required.
Elements include an exhibit of Titanic memorabilia including a 32” model of Titanic itself, archival photos, press clippings, newsreel film, a tableaux of the Marconi radio room, replica of the first class table setting including crystal and china, plus china from both the second class and third class tables, menu cards, headlines, court documents, eye witness testimony, a complete Titanic passenger manifest with photos, biographies, many with photos of living descendants, ticket numbers, cabin numbers and in most cases rescue life boat numbers. Also posters, stationery, napkins, plates, silverware, artwork of Titanic and White Star Line as well as photographs of the ship’s staterooms, public areas, Dining Rooms and Squash Court.
Additional Images of Carpathia , Californian and Olympic, Dallas Morning News and Dallas Times Herald and other headlines will also be on display.
Titanic Champagne Bar, April 10-11 / 4-8 pm
Titanic Champagne bar menu, cocktails and hors dóeuvres or Titanic Dessert Plate with coffee, wine or champagne. $30.
Titanic Commemorative Dinners, April 12-13 / 7 pm
Historic menu, white star cocktails and hors d’oeuvres served in the courtyard where dinner guests will each draw a numbered ticket which will correspond to a specific Titanic survivor. A four-course adapted version of the 1912 historic menu will be paired with wine and Champagne and served in the main dining room. $95
Titanic Brunch, April 14 / 12-1:30 pm
Sunday brunch featuring Champagne and eggs Benedict followed by an afternoon screening of the film, “A Night To Remember” and the documentary, “Raise The Titanic.” $25.
For make reservations, call 214-871-2516.