Conduit Gallery presents W. Tucker: Box, Boxing, Boxed opening reception

Photo courtesy of Conduit Gallery

Austin based artist W. Tucker’s drawings tell two stories; one is of the materials he works on, found materials such as book covers, paper or wood; the second is the idiosyncratic cast of characters he draws onto these materials. In addition to the two-dimensional work, Tucker will work in situ (on site), spending three to five days and nights, drawing and painting directly onto the gallery walls. Several large box formations made from drywall will also fill the installation. Used as an analogy to humankind, the artist’s choice of drywall as a material implies a certain strength, and yet, is capable of breaking. Drawn from childhood memories of his mother sitting at the kitchen table, talking on the phone, doodling boxes, the sculptures are less portraits and more indications of human experience and memory.

Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through December 31.

Austin based artist W. Tucker’s drawings tell two stories; one is of the materials he works on, found materials such as book covers, paper or wood; the second is the idiosyncratic cast of characters he draws onto these materials. In addition to the two-dimensional work, Tucker will work in situ (on site), spending three to five days and nights, drawing and painting directly onto the gallery walls. Several large box formations made from drywall will also fill the installation. Used as an analogy to humankind, the artist’s choice of drywall as a material implies a certain strength, and yet, is capable of breaking. Drawn from childhood memories of his mother sitting at the kitchen table, talking on the phone, doodling boxes, the sculptures are less portraits and more indications of human experience and memory.

Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through December 31.

Austin based artist W. Tucker’s drawings tell two stories; one is of the materials he works on, found materials such as book covers, paper or wood; the second is the idiosyncratic cast of characters he draws onto these materials. In addition to the two-dimensional work, Tucker will work in situ (on site), spending three to five days and nights, drawing and painting directly onto the gallery walls. Several large box formations made from drywall will also fill the installation. Used as an analogy to humankind, the artist’s choice of drywall as a material implies a certain strength, and yet, is capable of breaking. Drawn from childhood memories of his mother sitting at the kitchen table, talking on the phone, doodling boxes, the sculptures are less portraits and more indications of human experience and memory.

Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through December 31.



Conduit Gallery
1636 Hi Line Dr.
Dallas, TX 75207


Admission is free.
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