"Divine Spark," which features new works created by Dallas-based artist Kana Harada during this time of a global pandemic, embodies the artist’s wishes for a peaceful and bright future for all. In this exhibition, she continues to push sculpture, foam, and acrylic and watercolor painting to new heights in her practice.
Using vivid colors and intricate patterns formed with an elegant handmade touch, Harada’s titles of her works reflect newborn optimism – Fearless Hope, Freshly Picked, Home Sweet Home, Love Letter from the Future, Ingrained, Moon Kissed, and the exhibition’s namesake, Divine Spark.
"Divine Spark," which features new works created by Dallas-based artist Kana Harada during this time of a global pandemic, embodies the artist’s wishes for a peaceful and bright future for all. In this exhibition, she continues to push sculpture, foam, and acrylic and watercolor painting to new heights in her practice.
Using vivid colors and intricate patterns formed with an elegant handmade touch, Harada’s titles of her works reflect newborn optimism – Fearless Hope, Freshly Picked, Home Sweet Home, Love Letter from the Future, Ingrained, Moon Kissed, and the exhibition’s namesake, Divine Spark.
"Divine Spark," which features new works created by Dallas-based artist Kana Harada during this time of a global pandemic, embodies the artist’s wishes for a peaceful and bright future for all. In this exhibition, she continues to push sculpture, foam, and acrylic and watercolor painting to new heights in her practice.
Using vivid colors and intricate patterns formed with an elegant handmade touch, Harada’s titles of her works reflect newborn optimism – Fearless Hope, Freshly Picked, Home Sweet Home, Love Letter from the Future, Ingrained, Moon Kissed, and the exhibition’s namesake, Divine Spark.