Based on the books by Doreen Cronin and illustrated by Harry Bliss, Diary of a Worm, a Spider, and a Fly, follows the story of unlikely best friends Worm, Spider and Fly. Worm eats his homework, Fly believes she has superpowers and Spider can’t wait to grow up and molt.
Promoting eco-consciousness, earth science and tolerance of others, Diary of a Worm, a Spider, and a Fly is a joyful, hip exploration of the world outside. The opening number, a rap entitled “A Lot Like You,” immediately connects our lives with the little creatures from our own backyards. You might just find that a bug’s life is not all that different from your own.
Based on the books by Doreen Cronin and illustrated by Harry Bliss, Diary of a Worm, a Spider, and a Fly, follows the story of unlikely best friends Worm, Spider and Fly. Worm eats his homework, Fly believes she has superpowers and Spider can’t wait to grow up and molt.
Promoting eco-consciousness, earth science and tolerance of others, Diary of a Worm, a Spider, and a Fly is a joyful, hip exploration of the world outside. The opening number, a rap entitled “A Lot Like You,” immediately connects our lives with the little creatures from our own backyards. You might just find that a bug’s life is not all that different from your own.
Based on the books by Doreen Cronin and illustrated by Harry Bliss, Diary of a Worm, a Spider, and a Fly, follows the story of unlikely best friends Worm, Spider and Fly. Worm eats his homework, Fly believes she has superpowers and Spider can’t wait to grow up and molt.
Promoting eco-consciousness, earth science and tolerance of others, Diary of a Worm, a Spider, and a Fly is a joyful, hip exploration of the world outside. The opening number, a rap entitled “A Lot Like You,” immediately connects our lives with the little creatures from our own backyards. You might just find that a bug’s life is not all that different from your own.