The Love Club is a hilarious take on the "Dating Game" featuring contestants looking for love and the city's "Hottest" comedians. The show will be hosted by Tyson Faifer.
Contestants must choose a date by only hearing the comedian attempt to make them laugh. The Love Club is an interactive show where the audience helps each contestant choose a match. This show tests the age old adage that the ability to make a partner laugh is the secret to love.
The Love Club is a hilarious take on the "Dating Game" featuring contestants looking for love and the city's "Hottest" comedians. The show will be hosted by Tyson Faifer.
Contestants must choose a date by only hearing the comedian attempt to make them laugh. The Love Club is an interactive show where the audience helps each contestant choose a match. This show tests the age old adage that the ability to make a partner laugh is the secret to love.
The Love Club is a hilarious take on the "Dating Game" featuring contestants looking for love and the city's "Hottest" comedians. The show will be hosted by Tyson Faifer.
Contestants must choose a date by only hearing the comedian attempt to make them laugh. The Love Club is an interactive show where the audience helps each contestant choose a match. This show tests the age old adage that the ability to make a partner laugh is the secret to love.