Dallas Comedy Club presents Stories of Pride, featuring powerful and relatable stories about the queer experience. The show includes live music and collaborative performance art.
The show will be hosted by special guest Jono Rodriguez, who will be improvising songs on guitar inspired by the stories shared. Featuring stories by Vanessa Kenney, Ava Elder, Shelby Hobohm, Frankie Benz, Josh Edwards, and Kinsey Ford.
Dallas Comedy Club presents Stories of Pride, featuring powerful and relatable stories about the queer experience. The show includes live music and collaborative performance art.
The show will be hosted by special guest Jono Rodriguez, who will be improvising songs on guitar inspired by the stories shared. Featuring stories by Vanessa Kenney, Ava Elder, Shelby Hobohm, Frankie Benz, Josh Edwards, and Kinsey Ford.
Dallas Comedy Club presents Stories of Pride, featuring powerful and relatable stories about the queer experience. The show includes live music and collaborative performance art.
The show will be hosted by special guest Jono Rodriguez, who will be improvising songs on guitar inspired by the stories shared. Featuring stories by Vanessa Kenney, Ava Elder, Shelby Hobohm, Frankie Benz, Josh Edwards, and Kinsey Ford.