Mortified is a unique comedy story-telling show where adults get on stage and read from their teenage creations (diaries, journals, bad poems, unsent love-letters, song lyrics, school assignments, etc.) in front of total strangers. The show started in Los Angeles 14 years ago and has expanded to 15 different cities and is now coming back to Dallas. The show is for adults only and sometimes has rated R content.
For this particular show, people will be sharing mortifying things from their teenage diaries, journals, horrible poetry, bad song lyrics, embarrassing artwork, and much more.
Mortified is a unique comedy story-telling show where adults get on stage and read from their teenage creations (diaries, journals, bad poems, unsent love-letters, song lyrics, school assignments, etc.) in front of total strangers. The show started in Los Angeles 14 years ago and has expanded to 15 different cities and is now coming back to Dallas. The show is for adults only and sometimes has rated R content.
For this particular show, people will be sharing mortifying things from their teenage diaries, journals, horrible poetry, bad song lyrics, embarrassing artwork, and much more.
Mortified is a unique comedy story-telling show where adults get on stage and read from their teenage creations (diaries, journals, bad poems, unsent love-letters, song lyrics, school assignments, etc.) in front of total strangers. The show started in Los Angeles 14 years ago and has expanded to 15 different cities and is now coming back to Dallas. The show is for adults only and sometimes has rated R content.
For this particular show, people will be sharing mortifying things from their teenage diaries, journals, horrible poetry, bad song lyrics, embarrassing artwork, and much more.