This animation adventure, produced in 2011, is the tale of two children in Warsaw who discover an old piano abandoned on a junk heap. It becomes their magical ride through the skies of Europe, as the kids dodge hot air balloons in France, fierce storms, and darkening skies over London. The screening will feature a live piano score performed by Derek Wang, a young protégé of Lang Lang.
This animation adventure, produced in 2011, is the tale of two children in Warsaw who discover an old piano abandoned on a junk heap. It becomes their magical ride through the skies of Europe, as the kids dodge hot air balloons in France, fierce storms, and darkening skies over London. The screening will feature a live piano score performed by Derek Wang, a young protégé of Lang Lang.
This animation adventure, produced in 2011, is the tale of two children in Warsaw who discover an old piano abandoned on a junk heap. It becomes their magical ride through the skies of Europe, as the kids dodge hot air balloons in France, fierce storms, and darkening skies over London. The screening will feature a live piano score performed by Derek Wang, a young protégé of Lang Lang.