Based on the screenplay of the acclaimed 1994 film by Woody Allen and Douglas McGrath, Bullets Over Broadway brings the talents of Woody Allen and Tony-Winning director Susan Stroman together for the first time. It’s the story of a young playwright who, in desperate need of financial backing for his next show, accepts an offer he can’t refuse from a mobster looking to please his showgirl girlfriend.
The original Broadway production of Bullets Over Broadway played the St. James Theatre. The production received six Tony®-Award nominations, including Best Book of a Musical and Best Choreography.
Loaded with big laughs, colorful characters, and the songs that made the '20s roar, Bullets Over Broadway is bringing musical comedy back with a bang.
Based on the screenplay of the acclaimed 1994 film by Woody Allen and Douglas McGrath, Bullets Over Broadway brings the talents of Woody Allen and Tony-Winning director Susan Stroman together for the first time. It’s the story of a young playwright who, in desperate need of financial backing for his next show, accepts an offer he can’t refuse from a mobster looking to please his showgirl girlfriend.
The original Broadway production of Bullets Over Broadway played the St. James Theatre. The production received six Tony®-Award nominations, including Best Book of a Musical and Best Choreography.
Loaded with big laughs, colorful characters, and the songs that made the '20s roar, Bullets Over Broadway is bringing musical comedy back with a bang.
Based on the screenplay of the acclaimed 1994 film by Woody Allen and Douglas McGrath, Bullets Over Broadway brings the talents of Woody Allen and Tony-Winning director Susan Stroman together for the first time. It’s the story of a young playwright who, in desperate need of financial backing for his next show, accepts an offer he can’t refuse from a mobster looking to please his showgirl girlfriend.
The original Broadway production of Bullets Over Broadway played the St. James Theatre. The production received six Tony®-Award nominations, including Best Book of a Musical and Best Choreography.
Loaded with big laughs, colorful characters, and the songs that made the '20s roar, Bullets Over Broadway is bringing musical comedy back with a bang.