Dan and Phil (previously known as The Radio 1 Request Show) was a British radio show hosted on BBC Radio 1 on Sunday evening, by presenters Dan Howell and Phil Lester, who are most commonly known as Dan and Phil. The show was a spiritual successor to the original Request Show on the station, allowing listeners to request songs to be played but also encompassing additional entertainment features. It was loosely based on Dan and Phil's now discontinued internet series, The Super Amazing Project, which included segments such as Internet News.
Dan and Phil (previously known as The Radio 1 Request Show) was a British radio show hosted on BBC Radio 1 on Sunday evening, by presenters Dan Howell and Phil Lester, who are most commonly known as Dan and Phil. The show was a spiritual successor to the original Request Show on the station, allowing listeners to request songs to be played but also encompassing additional entertainment features. It was loosely based on Dan and Phil's now discontinued internet series, The Super Amazing Project, which included segments such as Internet News.
Dan and Phil (previously known as The Radio 1 Request Show) was a British radio show hosted on BBC Radio 1 on Sunday evening, by presenters Dan Howell and Phil Lester, who are most commonly known as Dan and Phil. The show was a spiritual successor to the original Request Show on the station, allowing listeners to request songs to be played but also encompassing additional entertainment features. It was loosely based on Dan and Phil's now discontinued internet series, The Super Amazing Project, which included segments such as Internet News.