Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Live, based on the PBS KIDS TV series, features Daniel and all of his friends in a brand-new adventure in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe where Daniel learns just what it takes to be King. The beloved characters come alive on stage to captivate with new songs to sing along to, magical moments, and surprise guests along the way. It’s an event filled with tigertastic fun, teaching the valuable lessons of kindness, helping others, and being a friend.
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Live, based on the PBS KIDS TV series, features Daniel and all of his friends in a brand-new adventure in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe where Daniel learns just what it takes to be King. The beloved characters come alive on stage to captivate with new songs to sing along to, magical moments, and surprise guests along the way. It’s an event filled with tigertastic fun, teaching the valuable lessons of kindness, helping others, and being a friend.
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Live, based on the PBS KIDS TV series, features Daniel and all of his friends in a brand-new adventure in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe where Daniel learns just what it takes to be King. The beloved characters come alive on stage to captivate with new songs to sing along to, magical moments, and surprise guests along the way. It’s an event filled with tigertastic fun, teaching the valuable lessons of kindness, helping others, and being a friend.